Main competitors on the market of antivirus for PC

Main competitors on the market of antivirus for PC

Market of antivirus software for computers is a steady and well-established one today. There are hundreds of different programs that claim to be just perfect for your digital protection. Webroot and AVG antiviruses have a great share of the market and happen to be main competitors on it. One may think that in general, all of the defending software for PCs is quite similar, but such an opinion is not completely right. AVG vs Webroot antivirus Comparison review will be of great help to all PC users that care about protection and safety.

Features of the perfect antivirus

The topic of choice of the antivirus and different aspects it should be based on may seem quite straightforward for an inexperienced user. However, there are some nuances every user should consider before installing one on their device.
Characteristics of a decent antivirus:
· The most obvious one is the quality of protection from hostile programs and malware. It is important to take into account that viruses are becoming more complex and sophisticated, and antivirus software has to be updated to stay relevant too.
· Flexibility and compatibility with different platforms. Not every antivirus can offer protection on every platform from Mac and Linux to Windows.
· The availability of additional features and options. Every user wants to make sure he or she gets the most out of money they pay. Due to the cutthroat competition on the market, different antiviruses have to come up with new solutions and proposals that can include protection from SMS and MMS spam, VPN service or battery saving mode.
· Guarantees that the application will be supported for some period in the future. It may be problematic to swap the programs you use, that is why you want to be confident that the service you have chosen will be up and running for some time.
The antivirus application of your choice should have at least three of these features to be relevant and have good value for money.

Differences between AVG and Webroot antiviruses

AVG Antivirus was created and introduced for the first time by AVG Technologies in 1991. Webroot Inc. was established in 1997 as a company that deals with cybersecurity and anti-virus protection. Their Webroot antivirus had been launched shortly after the company appeared on the global market.
Both applications are popular among computer users all over the world and for sure have their shares on the market.
The main advantages of AVG antivirus over Webroot:
· AVG provides protection from Trojan viruses that can threaten the private information of the user and even the performance of the computer he or she uses.
· It can deal with viruses from external sources as flash drives or USBs.
· A battery-saving mode for laptops and other portable devices.
· AVG can also spot and warn about potentially harmful links before the user clicks on them.
The main advantages of Webroot over AVG antivirus:
· Webroot antivirus is not as extreme when it comes to protection. It will not bother you with warnings when there is no serious problem or threat, which can be a great advantage for some users.
· Security settings are easy to adjust.
· Password protection on the settings will help to keep other users from changing your layout.
· Price is significantly lower. Webroot comes at 19.99$ for a basic tariff, when AVG antivirus costs 69.99$, which is almost 4 times as expensive.
· Gamer mode and parental control options. These small additional features make a big difference for the users that actually need them.


Antivirus protection is crucial for getting pleasant user experience from a computer. Both reviewed programs are great, and have decent value for money. It is up to the user, which one has more useful options and affordable price.